What's TAW?

TAW is a service that lets you generate printable versions of the papers you need when running a tournament from AetherHub.

Who is behind this project?

Pierre Mourlanne is the author of this project. Pierre has been working with Python for over ten years, and has been judging at Magic for five years.

Gauthier Lamarque is a contributor to the project. Gauthier is a web developer with over five years of experience. Gauthier also plays a lot of Magic, where his specialty is losing to Pierre.

Samuele Tecchio is a contributor to the project. Samuele is a marine biologist who also loves doing awesome data visualization using R. When he feels generous, he lowers his standards to code in Python. Talking about low standards, Samuele has been kind enough to be Pierre's Team Lead in multiple MtG tournaments.

Why did you build this?

I couldn't find something I liked when looking at the available scorekeeping solutions. EventLink is extremely limited, MTG Melee is great but pricey, WLTR is not available, etc.
AetherHub is great, but doesn't generate pairings, standings or match slips. I'm plugging that hole with this project.

I found a bug, what do I do?

Please open an issue in the Github repository 🙏

What happens if AetherHub changes their formatting?

TAW's parsing of pairings and standings is pretty rudimentary. In particular, if AetherHub were to change their formatting, I would expect TAW to not work as is, and need updating. Maybe one day AetherHub will expose their tournaments through an API, or will generate pairings / standings / match slips themselves. In the meantime we are stuck with brittle solutions, relying on weak interfaces.

How can I contribute to this project?

The repository for this project is public, and can be found on Github. Feel free to drop by and look at the open issues :)